Preparing you to be a successful public campus ministry pastor
CAMPUS provides hands-on training to make you an effective soul-winner, minister, Bible student, and leader.

Typical pastoral residency leaves a lot of essentials.
Impractical pastoral training
Lack of opportunity to apply what you learn
Insufficient experience with evangelism
CAMPUS is a lab for future pastors to put into practice the things they have learned. We encourage you to make mistakes, but we will mentor you to be better.
“No training seems sufficient to prepare me for ministry.”
The Residency program focuses on developing four basic skills that every pastor must have to be successful.

Biblical Preaching
Every pastor must be a preacher. Preaching is an essential part of church ministry. This program will provide participants with the opportunity to develop and execute a sermonic calendar in a church and campus ministry context.

People Management
Every pastor must be a leader. Leading a church requires careful balance and personnel management. The residency program is designed to give participants a hands-on course and experience on effective leadership.

Personal Evangelism
Every pastor must be a soul-winner. Residents will maintain and execute a strong plan for soul-winning: searching for and finding Bible study contacts, giving effective Bible studies, and gaining decisions for baptism.

Time Management
Every pastor must be efficient, effective, and focused. Many pastors do not successfully survive their first district is due to a lack of time management. Residents will encounter a rigorous schedule designed to test their call to ministry.
Here’s how it works:

1. Give us a call

2. Come to our one-year pastoral residency program